Check back soon to see the nice things our patients have to say about us.
I seem to walk much better and have lost some weight. I always look forward to coming to my therapy sessions, I enjoy coming.
G. Clark
Physical Therapy is helping me get around better and I feel less pain in the knee.
-K. Singh
I think that PT is good for me, it helps me walk better and also to gain a good balance when walking and also helps me gain support for my motor skills.
-J. Sigmore
Since I started therapy I have been feeling much better. Very comfortable and no pain. Thank God.
-M. Innocent
Since I started therapy I feel much better, very little pain to speak of.
Therapy is working good, feeling better, everything is on schedule so far.
I am feeling good, better than before. I like therapy for neck pain. Thank you so much.
Since I have been coming to therapy I have gained more range of motion in my shoulder, the pain has become less intensive and I am more inclined to do more stretching.
->A. Rodriguez
Since I have been receiving therapy at Quality Care Physical Therapy I have improved very much. My legs are much stronger, I am able to walk better with less pain and I am also feeling better.
-G. Daniel
I have noticed a big improvement in strength and flexibility. I no longer wake up with back pain. I have significantly less back fatigue after working 12 hour shifts. Learning simple stretches that I can use anytime, anywhere helps to alleviate any tightening and pain that comes during my usual activities.
-Tina T
Since coming to QCPT I have been making good progress. I can extend m right leg a bit more and it is also less painful. The care here is magnificent and the service extraordinary.
-M. Ariza